More Than a Church: A Welcoming Church For The World

The Nicene Church, a congregation with churches worldwide, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.

We are rooted in the stories of the Bible and believe worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at our church. Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.

The Nicene Church Believes and Teaches:

THE BIBLE – for it is the inspired word of God.

THE GODHEAD – Consists of God the Father who is attributed with the creation, God the Son, co-creator and redeemer, God the Holy Spirit, life of the Church.

THE TRINITY – for there is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but one Godhead, that is but one God. This mystery of faith is called the Trinity.

PURPOSE OF LIFE – As we understand it, is to know love and serve God in this world, so as to be happy with him in the next.

THE CREEDS– Apostle’s, Nicene, Athanasian (Quicumque Vult) for these explain the Faith in plain simple and uncomplicated manners.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – for if we follow these we will live in perfect harmony with God and our neighbor.

THE TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS – for these are the summary of the Ten Commandments.

THE CHURCH – Is one holy catholic and apostolic. Christ is the root and the Church is the main stem, and we a branch of the Vine. We are the Charismatic Branch of the Church.

THE SACRAMENTS – for the seven sacraments are the outward signs instituted by God to give grace. These are:

· BAPTISM – Through which one receives spiritual life and becomes a member of the living Body of Christ, the Church. [Mt 28:19-20 Mk 16:15-16]

· COMMUNION also called EUCHARIST – Through which one receives the actual Body and Blood of our Savior in a tangible form. [Mat 26:26-28 Mk 14:22-25 Lk 22:19-20 Jn 6:15  1Cor 10:16, and 11:27

· PENANCE sometimes called CONFESSION – Through which one receives absolution (forgiveness) of sins. [Jn 20:22-23 Mat 6:14-15 Mk 14:22-25 Lk 22:19-20]

 CONFIRMATION also called CHRISMATION – Through which one receives the Holy Spirit in a very special manner as well as the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.

MATRIMONY also called MARRIAGE – Through which a couple receive graces to live together. [Mt 19:6 cf. Gen 2:24 Mk10:11-12]

· ANOINTING OF THE SICK also called UNCTION – It is through this sacrament that one is often healed and also through this sacrament that one is prepared to meet his Lord. [Mk 16:17-18 Mt 10:8 Jas 5:14-15]

 ORDERS also called ORDINATION – This is the sacrament through which deacons, priests and bishops are ordained. It is through this sacrament that Apostolic Succession is maintained in the Church. Apostolic Succession means that our bishops can all trace their lines of Consecration back to the Apostles.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS is a great responsibility of the Church, for it is through the sacraments that the spiritual life of the community is kept alive, and that the community is led to God.

The Church is the administrator of the sacraments and not the judge of humanity, therefore being unable to read the hearts of our fellow travelers in this vale of tears, we will administer the sacraments to all who claim belief in them as we do.

VALIDITY OF THE SACRAMENTS – Is the test through which the administration of a sacrament is judged to be valid. In order for a sacrament to be valid the proper form and matter is to be used with the proper intention and the proper minister must administer the sacrament. The administrator of the sacrament must have been ordained by a bishop possessing valid lines of Apostolic Succession.

RITES – A rite is simply a means to a goal, the priest is free to use these rites with which he and his congregation are familiar and comfortable, the “normal” rites to be Anglican (or Episcopal) Rites. The important thing to remember is the goal of the sacrament that is being administered and the assurance that the form, matter, and intent are well expressed in the rite.

OUR CLERGY – Holy Orders is a calling, and as such, we defer to agreement through the Holy Spirit to progress through the ordination process. The deacons serve the priests and the community, the priest leads the community to God by offering sacrifice and sanctifying the People of God through the administration of the sacraments, and leading them to God through service. The Bishop is truly the servant of servants and is assisted by priests who act in his behalf and administer sacraments under license (faculties) in his stead. He possesses unbroken lines of Apostolic Succession traceable back to the Holy Apostles. Our clergy can be and often are married. (re: Married Clergy, read 1 Tim 3:1-13 & Titus 1:6-9)

THE SAINTS – The saints consist of those baptized people who are in perfect harmony with God and who are still living, as well as the dearly departed who have already entered the Kingdom and are in the presence of God. We often pray to God through the saints and often ask the saints to intercede for us to God for they are already in His Presence.

We often use ICONS (images and statues) of the saints to remind us of their holy lives and of the fact that as a result of these lives they are now in heaven.

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